Monday, April 30, 2007

Vampire inclinations

I'm always up on the first hours of the new day, with said first hours still as dark as night. Well, it is night!

I don't know when I started to have a reverse schedule (probably when my book addiction kicked in, and when was this?) , being active at night and asleep during the day. It's inconvenient in the summer, when it gets so hot around noon that I wake up only to wipe my forehead and other body parts of sweat. Whew!

If unlike me, you need to wake up early and don't like being awake with no one to talk to, this is my advice:

Master your fear of the night and brave your way to your kitchen to hunt for onions. Two will do for one cup of water. Boil. Add some salt. Tadah! Onion soup. Drink it, of course. And then, gurgle with a strong mint mouthwash.

Go back to bed. Don't think. Don't count. Just lie there. And sleep will come.

If unlike me, you aren't prejudiced against sleeping pills, well, you don't have to stink-en your breath! Ahehe...

If like me, you enjoy being up, tell me what you do. Me? I write down ideas. Nocturnal plot bunnies, I tell you. They wouldn't leave me in peace, pun-ny. And since ideas disappear like good pens, I write them down quickly.

If my mom goes to sleep early, I get to post in forums, too. And now, here is a blog to add to my entertainment.

Also, hey! My friends are there to text with. Great times!

The trick is to do something. The time when its dark is time to spend in bed, but since you're not abed, use the time, the gold, buddy.

Better than fidgeting and keeping roommates or your underbed monsters awake.

Oopsie, just kidding!

1 comment:

deb said...

Hey hey hey! Hello ate pauie! Hehe. Mejo vampire na rin ako ngayon, ngayong summer lang. Nyaha. But i don't use my time wisely. Tsk tsk. Hopefuly meh babasahin na ko this May, humiram xe ako book. Hihi. Wish me luck! Mwah! Take care ate.