Thursday, November 1, 2007

Writer's block no more...

I submitted my Phil Graphic/Fiction Awards entry yesterday-- I mean, my Mom carted it off to LBC. I finished it in the early hours yesterday, too, because the plot bunny had been so kind to hop and breed inside my head not until the 27th. Phew!

And then I pay the price. Not the LBC, my Mom paid that. There are loads of holes I see now and wish I could correct in those 14 pages now probably waiting in the shelves of Fully Booked Customer Service. Whew!

I could just pray now.

On cheery notes, I'd had my first assignments from READ! Yay! And I'm three quarters done with them! The bunnies are partying.

And here are the two covers Mr Alfar is deliberating over, my friends. Whatchu think?
I prefer this one!this one is trite and misleading...

mood: exhilarated!

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